"zati...kawan shai ad gtaw,mlm ni ade perjumpaan GPMS,nk join x?"
"GPMS?ape tu? ley jer..mlm ni eh?"
"yup..dye cam persatuan la..aktiviti ad ekspidisi..agpom ley isi lam buku KI"
"haaa....ley3..nakk..ekspidisi kot..waa..mesti best..KI tade pe g ni..agpom tade pe nk buat kt bilik kan..ley3."
kat bilik : "nana...nak join x zati mlm ni?zati nk g kt 1st meet.GPMS..cam best gak kelab tu..jom laa.."(waaa...promoter lak aku nih..hikhik)
"i memang nk g,kt mataku hatimu..kelab ape ntah.."
"emm..tape la...."
then,7.45, terkedek-kedek la aku ngn shai,nana classmate p kt fakulti enngineer..waaa..ramai pakwe encem kt cini wei..hakhak..kt fakulti aku?hampeh sket..haha..
sampai sana,xjumpe pom kt mana nk p..haha..besar kot fac tu..even kt depan kolej aku jer,tp x pernah jejak kaki pom kt sana..haaahaaa..malu gler.buat kompiden jer,naek lift,berebut ngn org ramai..nasib la sampai gak...
sampai lam bilik kuliah y agak besar la jugak..eeissshh....ramai gak org eh..pe ni.x suke laa..pastu, bla bla blaa~~~~sume pom brucap la..nga tu kan,npk romate aku,si nana..kate nk g kt mataku hatimu?haha..mende same je laa..mataku hatimu=GPMS..haha..
yang menarik sanga ak nk join,aku nk masuk ak masuk aktiviti lasak2..cam ekspidisi kt gunung ledang ke..besstt..nk rtase sangat.then,kebetulan memang kelab ni akan ade aktiviti tu evry sem..
so,abes ceramah sume tu,sape y betol3 nk join,kena tulis name lagi skali..org ramai berpusu-pusu tu,(ayat,berpusu-pusu?),aku celah jugak nk tulis nama..nk jugak..lam 15minit,xdapat sampai kt kaunter lagi..shai cam da nk putus asa daa..tp aku nk jugakk..time ni jer,aku nk rase sume tu..t da payah kan..so,cam rase peluang ade depan mata..
nak masuk palapes,x bagi sangat apk cik tu..takot ape taw..aku nk rase cam skolah dulu..kawat,sume tuh..rindu sangat..hehe..(gataii.)
so,pas da puas berebut ngn sume org,n lam masa y sama,shai pom duk tarik aku ajak klua dr dewan tu,dapat gak tulis nama..hehe...jeng jeng jeng~~~
Thursday, 29 September 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
switt sangatt.....
This is what my boyfriend said to me after having a humongous break down over Skype.
"Bub, You've fallen asleep so i'm going to go. But before I do, I just want to let you know how much I love you and wonderful and amazing you are in every way. You are so caring and loving, and i will always love you for that. Please don't let anybody who calls you stupid make you upset, they are only jealous of how smart they know you are. You go to uni, study marketing and get good grades. You drive so competently (and sometimes a little fast, not sure where you learnt that from), make smart and logical choices everyday, you juggle uni and a job, not to mention a needy boyfriend who loves you to death, still have a social life and somehow still find time to make dinner and cuddle your mummy. No stupid person can every do that. If you say something dumb once in a while, who cares! Everyone does, it doesn't define you, its just a part of life. I know i say stupid things all the time like just realising jason deroulo is black. And i know you love me for it.
I know that things seem tough at the moment, with uni work piling up, and girls being bitches at work, and it can feel overwhelming at times. But you will get through this rough patch, and i will be here to help you in anyway possible, even if its just to lend an ear. I wish that i could help you more. I have a super big cuddle waiting for you my love. I hope that things get better soon. I love you so much bub, I've never met someone as beautiful, talented, smart, funny, bubbly, energetic, sexy, cute, loving and caring as you, i and i hope you know that i truly believe it. You are everything to me.I hope everything seems better in the morning, because everything usually is. I'll see you soon my darling, and i can't wait to have you in my arms again. Seeing you sleep like this just makes me want and love you more.
I love you,_ur hubby'
I just want to remind everyone that there are good guys out there. We fell in love the first day we met and it was so unexpected. I know how lucky I am so I will not mess this up. I love you hubby, more than I can describe.
"Bub, You've fallen asleep so i'm going to go. But before I do, I just want to let you know how much I love you and wonderful and amazing you are in every way. You are so caring and loving, and i will always love you for that. Please don't let anybody who calls you stupid make you upset, they are only jealous of how smart they know you are. You go to uni, study marketing and get good grades. You drive so competently (and sometimes a little fast, not sure where you learnt that from), make smart and logical choices everyday, you juggle uni and a job, not to mention a needy boyfriend who loves you to death, still have a social life and somehow still find time to make dinner and cuddle your mummy. No stupid person can every do that. If you say something dumb once in a while, who cares! Everyone does, it doesn't define you, its just a part of life. I know i say stupid things all the time like just realising jason deroulo is black. And i know you love me for it.
I know that things seem tough at the moment, with uni work piling up, and girls being bitches at work, and it can feel overwhelming at times. But you will get through this rough patch, and i will be here to help you in anyway possible, even if its just to lend an ear. I wish that i could help you more. I have a super big cuddle waiting for you my love. I hope that things get better soon. I love you so much bub, I've never met someone as beautiful, talented, smart, funny, bubbly, energetic, sexy, cute, loving and caring as you, i and i hope you know that i truly believe it. You are everything to me.I hope everything seems better in the morning, because everything usually is. I'll see you soon my darling, and i can't wait to have you in my arms again. Seeing you sleep like this just makes me want and love you more.
I love you,_ur hubby'
I just want to remind everyone that there are good guys out there. We fell in love the first day we met and it was so unexpected. I know how lucky I am so I will not mess this up. I love you hubby, more than I can describe.
swiit sangat kan..?i wish my hubby pom sama ngn swit guy tu~~
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
benang kering ke,basah ke..memang xley tegak kan..?
it just start like dis..
yeah i do~i do~i do do do do~~~~fon bunyi.time tuh aku tdo..then bgun la angkt.pak cik tu y kol..ckp xsempat 2 mnit,tbe2 dye just ckp ok then,nk g toilet jp.lw biasa kan,xkan camtu la..i mean,xkan tbe2 nga ckp,tbe2 jer.camtu aa..n before dye gtw nk g toilet tu,ak cam dgr call waiting kt sebelah sana.biasa kan,lw ad org call kt sebelah sana pom,ley tw kan..then ak y memang da pelik ni tnye la,tol ke,sumpah eh?dye lam nga gaduh2 tuh,yup..betoll.sumpah..memang xley blah r aku..aku pom ltk la,nk sgt..n then,nk test aku ni tol ke x dye nk ltk sbb nk angkt fon laen,ak pom call..then,"waiting..." sakit ati x?aku pantang la law org tipu aku.xtaw la korang cane.even mnde kecik,tp Y not just trus terang kan..dah la ciap ngn sumpah2 lg..eeeeeeee..mmg skit ati tol la..
yeah i do~i do~i do do do do~~~~fon bunyi.time tuh aku tdo..then bgun la angkt.pak cik tu y kol..ckp xsempat 2 mnit,tbe2 dye just ckp ok then,nk g toilet jp.lw biasa kan,xkan camtu la..i mean,xkan tbe2 nga ckp,tbe2 jer.camtu aa..n before dye gtw nk g toilet tu,ak cam dgr call waiting kt sebelah sana.biasa kan,lw ad org call kt sebelah sana pom,ley tw kan..then ak y memang da pelik ni tnye la,tol ke,sumpah eh?dye lam nga gaduh2 tuh,yup..betoll.sumpah..memang xley blah r aku..aku pom ltk la,nk sgt..n then,nk test aku ni tol ke x dye nk ltk sbb nk angkt fon laen,ak pom call..then,"waiting..." sakit ati x?aku pantang la law org tipu aku.xtaw la korang cane.even mnde kecik,tp Y not just trus terang kan..dah la ciap ngn sumpah2 lg..eeeeeeee..mmg skit ati tol la..
Monday, 19 September 2011
belajar untuk menerima sesuatu dengan seadanya~
administrative science at uitm shah alam..
oh my god..pe nih?Tuhan da tetapkan sesuatu y terbaek untuk kite kann..when i got da result of upu,aku pom xtaw nk crite perasaan nih camne..aku budak aliran sains hayat kt matrik,which is belajar biologi,kimia n math.so when dapat kos nih,which is subject dye law,akaun,ekonomi,n math..haha..cam pelik sangat kan..yup.memang aku aply kos nih time upu dulu,tp xtw la dpt..haha..hepi ad,tp cdey pom ad..aku minat sangat kimai..tp once ak da msuk kos nih,ak akan tinggalkan kimia tuh..tuh jer mnde y cdey sgt..x on ngn minat aku..
sume ni cam baru untuk aku..just math la aku cam da biasa..kawan2 aku pom kebanyakan dari asasi law taw..
time kelas math,ade la lecturer ak cam buat sesi suai kenal secara rawak la kot..then,bile dye taw aku asal dr matrik sains hayat,dye cam terkejut taw..bg dye pom cam pelik npe ak aply kos nih..haha..tibe2 aku jadi sebak..teeeett..!maybe aku da tekadkan untuk x pk sal sensitif tuh.. aku suke care dye,coz dye cam lecturer y caring sgt taw..nama dye pom zati..hehe.. just ap y aku xsuke time kelas math is:kiteorg blajar lembab sgt.law kt matrik,aku biasa blajar 2 bab y susah pom lam satu lecture jer..tp nih,satu bab 2 kelas..waaaa..bukan aku nk kata aku nih bdk bijak ke ap,nope..ak x bijak,tp aku cam pyh time lagi mnde nih sume..xtaw la..lecturer aku ad nasihat,buat surat untk tukar kos kerana merasakan kos ni cam x layak untuk aku..hukhuk..actually kos ni bgus,sebab senang nk dpt kerja,dats y la aku nekadkan untuk go on jer..tapi x semudah tu..help me...:(
oh my god..pe nih?Tuhan da tetapkan sesuatu y terbaek untuk kite kann..when i got da result of upu,aku pom xtaw nk crite perasaan nih camne..aku budak aliran sains hayat kt matrik,which is belajar biologi,kimia n math.so when dapat kos nih,which is subject dye law,akaun,ekonomi,n math..haha..cam pelik sangat kan..yup.memang aku aply kos nih time upu dulu,tp xtw la dpt..haha..hepi ad,tp cdey pom ad..aku minat sangat kimai..tp once ak da msuk kos nih,ak akan tinggalkan kimia tuh..tuh jer mnde y cdey sgt..x on ngn minat aku..
sume ni cam baru untuk aku..just math la aku cam da biasa..kawan2 aku pom kebanyakan dari asasi law taw..
time kelas math,ade la lecturer ak cam buat sesi suai kenal secara rawak la kot..then,bile dye taw aku asal dr matrik sains hayat,dye cam terkejut taw..bg dye pom cam pelik npe ak aply kos nih..haha..tibe2 aku jadi sebak..teeeett..!maybe aku da tekadkan untuk x pk sal sensitif tuh.. aku suke care dye,coz dye cam lecturer y caring sgt taw..nama dye pom zati..hehe.. just ap y aku xsuke time kelas math is:kiteorg blajar lembab sgt.law kt matrik,aku biasa blajar 2 bab y susah pom lam satu lecture jer..tp nih,satu bab 2 kelas..waaaa..bukan aku nk kata aku nih bdk bijak ke ap,nope..ak x bijak,tp aku cam pyh time lagi mnde nih sume..xtaw la..lecturer aku ad nasihat,buat surat untk tukar kos kerana merasakan kos ni cam x layak untuk aku..hukhuk..actually kos ni bgus,sebab senang nk dpt kerja,dats y la aku nekadkan untuk go on jer..tapi x semudah tu..help me...:(
Sunday, 18 September 2011
flash back~
petang y damaii..(damai la sangat,duk lam bilik,cane tw?eeisshh~)..since roomate2 aku nih,suke sangat la tdo..aku pom suke gak,tp upenye diorg lg terer la..aku nih da poning,asyik tdo jer kje.huh..da puas kacau diorg,tapi tara hasill...hukhuk..:(..tibe2 kan aku teringat kt kwn2 aku kt mtrik dulu..nape eh?padahal time still kt matrik,xnak sangat..nk sangat masa blalu dengan cepat..HT7! tu kelas kteorg taw..lecturer y mengajar kelas slalu bangga ngn kelas keorg.Y?haha..(angkt bakul sendiri kan)tp betol..sebab kelas kteorg is da best stiap kali exam..dye cam satu combination y terbaek sangat..
haa..da kenal kawan2 aku kt matrik kann?law ade y berkenan ngn mana2 awek cun x bape nk cun tu,tempahan terbuke..hakhak..sekian untuk entry ni..byeee..~
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haa..ni la dye budak kelas kteorg..diorg ni memangg suke melawa..nak masuk padang pon sempat lagi kann.. |
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tengok la law x caye..ngn lecturer skali join.aseb lecturer sangaat sporting. |
lam lab ni wei..bt ekperimen leklok laa..haha.. |
haha..ni?bukti sume budakZ@ahli kelas kteorg memang suke melawa depan kamera.. |
Saturday, 17 September 2011
perut...jangan nk mengada lebih2 k..
tepat 12 tengahari- waa..lapar maa.baju da abes basuh.huh.satu baldi besar kot..haha..bagus la saya,x guna mesin pom..hukhuk..
back to main topic,perut ni mengada dye semakin lebey2 la sejak 2 3 hari ni..semalam da dpt KFC,hari sebelum semalam da dpt MD,hari ni nk ap lagi..?pizza lak eh?eeissshh..dah2..duet da kering..haha..
nanti kite pekena nasi kt gerai mak cik kt dataran tuh jer k..b hepi~
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